Static Load Test

The geotechnical pile capacity and its displacement caused by a certain load applied on the pile’s top are very important for the quality control of deep foundations. The static load test (SLT) is the best test capable for determining with precision the curve load vs settlement of the pile’s top.

The SLT can be performed in all types of piles, vertical or leaned ones, independently of the execution process or installation on site (including drilled shaft with large base). It is done applying loads to the pile’s top (compression, tension or horizontally) with progressive load’s increments, recording its corresponding top displacements, resulting in a graphic load vs displacement.

Similar to the SLT, the Plate Load Test (PLT)provides a load vs displacement’s curve of the shallow surface, which is suitable for determining the maximum support stress of the soil, that is, used on the design of shallow foundations, pavings, and surfaces that will be exposed to a load, among others.

We provide very high load and displacement measurement quality (calibrated load cell and displacement gauges) for performing the test, besides a carefully preparing and calibrated strain gages for the instrumented static load test along the pile’s shaft, which provides an analyses of the shaft friction portion and the toe resistance for certain loads.
